Our mission is to be a powerful magnet at the intersection of everything eBusiness

Plug your business into our network and open it to new opportunities in North American and European marketplaces.

Connect is a group of companies focusing on eCommerce and eLogistics sectors offers
Automated eCommerce Trading
Multi-Store Wholesale, Retail Arbitrage and Dropshipping automation and operations management on different marketplaces globally.
Integrated Logistics Network
Connecting partner logistics service providers operating on different regions and domains on a single platform and taking advantage of scale economies.
Exclusive Merchandise Solutions
Design & Branding & Management of exclusive Merchandise items/products on different sectors
Multi-Merch eCommerce Platforms
Independent eCommerce platforms focused on selling on media, textile, home and other general merchandise categories.
See how we can
help you progress.
What we do
Being one of the pioneers of e-business ecosystem in an era of volume and efficiency, our group utilizes the technological advancements in communication and business-making and provides a platform to collaborate and
grow together with its stakeholders  and partner corporations.
Connect Group operates in eCommerce and eLogistics sectors on global marketplaces and  proactively seeks quality and an optimal level of efficiency
in order to exist and organically grow to continuously stay ahead of the competition.
Connect Group keeps a focus on the mission of synergizing the will and talent of a dedicated global team of players towards a common greater goal that
contributes back to all partners and also the society.
Do you have products or services that could interest us?
at Connect
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